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Our Vision

​Our vision is to build a future of confident, creative, and connected people.


We will achieve our vision by engaging and developing individuals and communities through innovative arts, creative programmes, and civic leadership.


Our priorities are to help people create, help people grow, and help amplify voices.


To do this we will ensure the partnership is stronger and more sustainable. 

Our Story

North West Cultural Partnership was formally constituted in 2016. It is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. The partnership draws on the collective experience of six independent organisations (members), all of which focus on art, culture, and heritage.


Our journey began in 2013 when Londonderry was the first city to be awarded the UK City of Culture title. During the year, several local organisations came together and worked collaboratively to develop and deliver cultural events. The collaboration was such a success, that the organisations realised that they could better support one another and achieve so much more if they worked together and set about strengthening the partnership and building stronger relationships. Through hard work and determination, the North West Cultural Partnership was created in 2016 and has continued to go from strength to strength since then.

Our Members

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Londonderry Bands Forum

The Londonderry Bands
Forum challenges the
misconceptions and
preconceptions about
marching bands.

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Bob Harte Memorial Trust

Bob Harte Memorial Trust
is a heritage organisation
with a focus on local social,
cultural, religious, political,
and economic history.


Blue Eagle Productions

Blue Eagle Productions is
an independent theatre and
production company.


Sollus Highland Dancers

Sollus Highland Dancers, as
the name suggests, focus
on promoting Highland
Dancing but also encourage
participants to have pride
in their own culture and
respect for others.

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Bready Ulster Scots Development Association 

Bready & District Ulster-
Scots Development

Association focus on
promoting and preserving
Ulster-Scots culture and


Sollus Cultural Promotions

Sollus Cultural Promotions
is an events management
company responsible for
large scale productions and
outdoor events.

Our Programmes

In order to achieve our vision, we are committed to delivering programmes and activities that engage and develop individuals and communities. Our current programmes are outlined below

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Peace Impact Programme

This programme harnesses and further develops social capital; encouraging self help; progressive, positive and impactful leadership; solution based information sharing. 


It contributes to civic stability and peace-building; encouraging local connectivity as well as cross border and international engagement.


This project is supported by the International Fund for Ireland.


For more information contact 


Gateways to Rural Participation

Gateways to Rural Participation is a rural community development programme delivered across the Sperrin, Derg & Faughan DEAs.


This programme enhances cross community/border relations, networking and signposting through activities, daily/weekly engagements and training opportunities.


GRP programme fosters community cohesion and promotes best practice within organisations; contributing positively to the lives of those in rural communities.


This programme is supported by PEACEPLUS & managed by the Special EU programme body (SEUPB)


For more information contact 


Paths to Peace Programme

Paths to Peace (Hofstra);  Each summer in May/June we host a 3 week international programme in partnership with Hofstra University, Long Island, USA examining the N.Ireland peace process.


Using a series of panel discussions, lectures,  and site visits, 15- 20 students from the University engage with a diverse range of speakers and opinions. Some of the sessions are open to the public.


For further information contact


Communities in Partnership 

The Embrace Project is committed to building a future of confident, creative, and connected individuals by eliminating the poverty of aspiration. We empower people through a diverse range of activities, designed to foster growth, collaboration, and personal development.

The Embrace project is more than just a programme; its a movement that breaks down barriers and opens doors to new possibilities, enabling individuals and communities to thrive.


This project is in partnership with  Inishowen Development Partnership and is funded by the International Fund for Ireland. 


For more information contact

Training course

Social Value Project

Most large public sector contracts now include social value clauses. These vary from contract to contract but generally involve the organisation going beyond the contract and contributing positively to society.


 Our programme identifies and provides training, placements and other pathways into employment.


The North West Cultural Partnership are delivering this programme of works on behalf of ThermoFisher Scientific and DAERA.


For more information contact 



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War & Peace Programme

This project is a partnership between the NWCP and R.A.P.I.D; its will explore the history of local War Memorials through a series of outreach educational workshops, seminars and field visits.   


It is part of a wider PEACEPLUS Programme managed Derry City and Strabane District Council, that includes the  restoration programme of four war memorials in Londonderry, Strabane, Castlederg and Sion Mills. 


This project is supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed
by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).


For more information contact


The Exodus Programme

The Exodus Programme is research based and explores and shares the recent history of displacement within the Protestant, Unionist, and Loyalist identities in Londonderry.


It is a partnership project with the Siege Museum, Apprentice Boys of Derry and Cathedral Youth Club. 


This is a project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)


For further information contact

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Culture Now

Culture Now, a dynamic celebration of diversity through dance, music, and design. This innovative programme unites talented artists from Ulster-Scots, Irish, and contemporary traditions, alongside musicians from marching bands, Irish traditional groups, world music, and modern genres such as rock, pop, and R&B.


Through workshops, rehearsals, and a unique residential programme, participants work together to create captivating performances and bespoke costume designs that blend traditional and contemporary influences.


This project is supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed
by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).


For more information contact



Update coming soon


Fountain Older People Project

This programme will engage with older residents of The Fountain Estate; enabling them to adopt healthier lifestyles by providing access to a range of health initiatives, social events, intergenerational and cross-community programmes. These will empower residents and reduce social isolation.


This project is supported by the Department for Communities.


For more information contact


Our Present Past

In partnership with RAPID, this project is an adult-based, cross-community dialogue programme exploring aspects of the past relevant to understanding Northern Ireland today.


Topics are discussed in an interactive, community accessible way to adult community participants who may (or may not) have limited formal education and limited/no prior knowledge. Creative approaches to learning and site visits are encouraged in combination with more structured workshop-based learning and dialogue.


This is a project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).


For more information contact

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